"Boston's awesome."
"Oh? I've never been there."
"Yeah, it's great. So livable. I think I might want to live there for a while. Then... I'll go back home."
"That's the first time I've seen you slightly sad about going back."


Roshni said...

Well..make the most of it! =P

nb said...

ah. but you don't have to go back. or do you?

Unknown said...

I thought the Pookasaur wasn't planning on doing this going back thing.
Kya hua?

Neshmia said...

"That's the first time I've seen you slightly sad about going back."
Does this mean that for all these months, you've been homesick and wanting to return home?

The Me. said...

Boston. I like the sound of it. Boston. I should like to go to Boston someday.

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